Director’s Greetings

The center of innovative education leading future education,
Welcome to the Future Education Innovation Institute.

Greetings. This is Lim Ji-young, director of the Future Education Innovation Institute.

The current university education is rapidly changing in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and big data. Accordingly, our university is continuously attempting challenges and changes to realize world-class education and achieve collaboration between industry, academia, and research through the convergence of health care and life sciences.

As part of these challenges and changes, the Future Education Innovation Institute of CHA University was launched in March 2019 to materialize the vision of ‘a university that provides health and hope to humanity.’ The Future Education Innovation Institute is comprised of the ‘Education Innovation Center’, the ‘Teaching and Learning Support Center’, and the ‘Innovation Performance Management Office’, and is promoting specialized work in each sector. The Future Education Innovation Center carries out unique innovation center tasks such as ‘on-campus education policy development, professor and student support, education certification (HEAL), innovative education content development, education performance management, and distance education support.’

The direction that the Future Education Innovation Institute seeks to pursue is to create education optimized for nurturing “CHA people who lead the field of medical science convergence,” which is our university’s ideal talent. This focuses on CHAllenge (creative talent with a differentiated spirit of challenge), CHAnce (convergence talent with future potential), and CHAnge (holistic global talent that leads change), and fulfills its responsibilities as a university by nurturing these future talents. We want to contribute to local and national communities.

University education is about reading and living in the future from the present, and it is said to be an imaginary project for the entire human race in which professors who have experienced the past aim for the time yet to come for students who will live in the future. Accordingly, the Institute for Future Education Innovation, as the main body of the university, is turning its attention to the student’s perspective and conducting innovative policy research to realize a futuristic educational community that invites broad and deep learning into the lives of students. We will do our best to help future CHA University students develop self-directed social innovation skills in a new educational community and grow into leaders who create value for the future society.

I believe that innovation in university education is not achieved through the efforts of just one entity but is achieved by various members of the university working together. The active participation of CHA University’s professors, students, and faculty will be the driving force behind our university’s innovation. We ask for your continued interest and encouragement in the Future Education Innovation Institute. As John 1:5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome the light,” we will move from the darkness in the whirlpool of change to the light through innovation.


Thank you.

Director of Future Education Innovation Center, CHA University
Professor Lim Ji-young